Pinch Points - What Can You Not Do Without?

We all discovered during the beginning of C-19, that we all had "Pinch Points". We realized that there were some things that we really couldn't do without and which became very scarce. As our govt plays games with our supply chain, we may again see a lot of scarcity and high inflation eating away at your buying power. So let's play a game. One suggestion per reply. What are some pinch points that could make life very uncomfortable in the next 24 months? What is a work around. I'll list a bunch to get you started....

Shoe laces....Hard to walk without them. String if necessary.

Got a pressure cooker? Great! What if you can't get weights or replacement gaskets?

You have canning jars! That's awesome? Do you have enough lids?

Have you got enough Bay Leaves to turn away the moths from your pantry shelf? grew cucumbers and your are ready to make pickles. Did you think to store pickling salt?

Running out of sandwich bags? We wash and save the wax bags from cereal boxes.

Ever considered learning how to make your own apple cider vinegar from crab apples?

Can't get the ties for your tomatoe plants? How about saving and using the bread bag ties? Do you have a roll or two of string on hand?

Grapes take 3 years to mature...How long before you can harvest your own?

Our butternut tree keeps the squirrels very happy at our house. They also taste great in a Black Walnut Ice Box cookie. One problem - hard to break open. You could harvest nuts in the wild, but do you have a vise strong enough to break them open? Do you have buckets to store them in while you harvest the tree?

Darlene R: Run out of dog biscuits? Do you know how to make your own?

Jo Z: Dutch oven cooking: can you make charcoal? Have Aluminum foil?

You’ve managed to wash your clothes with your handy bucket and plunger washer, but the electric dryer is out too! You have rope. Do you have clothes pins???

Cheryl Downer